Before anyone calls you, before they enter your establishment, before they consider doing business with you, they will often look at your website, the front door to your business.
What will they see?
Does it broadcast obsolescence, neglect and abandonment, or does it exude curb appeal, inviting customers and quality talent to you? Does it immediately project the character of your company brand and culture, such as stability, warmth, elegant functionality or innovation? Does it accurately describe and illustrate the work you do now?
Is it a strong barrier to provide you state-of-the-art protection from cyberattacks, hackers, cyberpunks, crashes and natural disasters?
The Fryed Egg team offers a Website Development and Maintenance Service Plan with a monthly analysis of the safety, current relevance and SEO enhancement of your website to make it work for you, not against you.
An out-of-date website is a dangerous thing, security-wise and business-wise.
If you use a PC, you probably keep anti-virus software up to date on your computers because you know how devastating and destructive a virus can be. All the things that can happen to a computer can happen to your website, so it also must be protected. Have you neglected your site’s ongoing maintenance? An out-of-date or poorly maintained website is vulnerable to infestations of bugs, worms, malware, spam and spyware, all of which could destroy the virtual presence you worked so hard to create.
The best defense against hackers is diligent, frequent maintenance, keeping your website security, backups and content updated. The framework of the website needs to be revitalized regularly, with all plug-ins, themes, codes and security protocols assessed and updated monthly to minimize your security risks.
In addition, a total refresh of your website should be done at least every two years. In this digital age, a website can be your business’s most precious asset, and Fryed Egg can make sure it is properly maintained and protected.
Many companies had to make real and virtual changes in 2020, often employing stopgap measures, doing what was “good enough.” Some continue to limp along but now want to step back and reevaluate, since many of the new realities brought about by COVID-19 will not be going away.
Fryed Egg can help you stabilize your procedures and update your ability to interact virtually with your audience on your website more efficiently, elegantly and securely. We can increase virtual engagement on your site by installing ecommerce solutions, remote training programs and marketing platforms as well as videos and regular blog posts (which will be featured in a future issue of The Weekly Skillet).
How easily is your website found?
One key factor is making sure people can find your website. To be found online, it is important to pay attention to what matters most to Google. On the technical end, among the many things Google monitors and values are:
- Site and page speed (keeping things updated goes a long way in this regard)
- The website experience on mobile devices
- Internal links (how the site links to itself)
From a content perspective, Google wants to see things like:
- Regularly refreshed text on your site
- Relevant content that is valuable to your audience, as measured by:
- The amount of people who keep coming back
- The length of time they stay
- The ways your visitors engage with your content
- The frequency with which they share or repost it
- The number of “next steps” they take with your company
Old websites are slower to load and respond, which annoys not only Google but also the people who visit such sites. Who wants to waste valuable time waiting when you could be productively gathering information or achieving your goals on other sites that respond more quickly? Faster speeds increase visitor engagement and the length of time they spend on your site. Google loves that!
New content, as well as speed, keeps users returning to your site, increasing your total number of minutes of visitor engagement. This tells Google that your site represents a real, currently running business with content, goods or services valued by searchers, and that raises Google’s ranking of your website.
Make your front door safe and beautiful!
A difficult, slow or awkward first impression does a disservice to your visitors as well as your business. Fryed Egg can turn that around by making it quick and easy for your customers to buy, set up appointments, initiate free estimates or find information. Envision the possibilities!
With a website designed well and maintained monthly by us, you will be more readily found by your key demographic, attract more traffic to your business, connect with potential clients, keep your image and your brand fresh and relevant, generate more leads and sell more products or services because of the ease with which visitors can navigate the site. We will share monthly analytics with you so you can measure the site’s successes and continue doing what is most productive.
Give us a call today to discover which parts of our Website Development and Maintenance Program might best help you achieve your organization’s goals? Let us refresh the front door to your business—your website—and invite customers inside to browse, learn about and do business with your amazing company! Let us help you get this off your to-do list and make it a reality! Imagine what peace of mind and increased revenue results you might gain! We are here to help!